Most preferable company in Jaipur (Since 2005)
Qualified Experienced Trusted Home Tutors
Guru Gyan home tuition is a well known name as a Home Tuition/Tutor provider. We are growing our business all over Jaipur by providing expert teachers of various subjects. Now we are looking Forward for maintaining more reputed brand name in this field. Our motto is to give education to each and every child at their door steps. we have been working in this field from past 6 years and we have succeeded with some very good results. Now we are looking forward to take over Jaipur with faculty.
Why you should trust us?
Experienced Teachers
Competitions Won
Recommends Our School
Parent's Opinion
Terms & Conditions
Please first read the following Terms & conditions before apply a home tuition:)
- The registration form costs Rs. 500 for one year. Please fill it properly. As you will be responsible for any incorrect entry filled by you. The registration can be cancelled on account of any incorrect information and appropriate action can be taken against So fill it with correct information.
- Minimum of 5 tuitions leads will be provided to you within a session (April to March). It would be within the area mentioned by you or it might go beyond the
- You will get your monthly fees after 15 days from the date of joining the tuition.
- Tuition will be provided to the teachers on first come first serve basis, so you have to active on our telegram channel. All tuition notification will be provided on our telegram channel ‘Guru Gyan Home Tuition’. We will not provide tuition on personal calls or Whatsapp messages to the teacher.
- You have to reply us for the tuition notifications on whatsapp only within 2 days.
- Use of the mobile phones & other irrelevant activities will not be tolerated during the tuition hours.
- You must make it clear before taking up the call whether you will be able to fulfill the the response or not once you taken, it cannot be discontinued without a valid reason.
- Any change in the above details mentioned in the form by you, then you have to inform us.
- You will be liable to give 50% of tuition fees of first month and 10 %(If the tuition fees more than 5000Rs) of all subsequent month’s fees as development fees to the Appropriate legal actions will taken against you if you violate this norm.
- Any physical or mental abuse (violence) towards student will not be tolerated and the registration (contract) will be terminated at once and legal actions will be taken against
- The management is ready to help you wherever you want if you share your problem with us.
- You are allowed to take one holiday per month (excluding Sundays). More than the permitted leaves are taken then there can be deduction in the payment or you can adjust that leave on any Sunday with parent’s
- If you get any subsequent tuitions offer you to correspondence with our client (tuition/students), those offer belongs to the management and the management will have complete right over
- The primary objective of a tuition teacher is to encourage and motivate students to reach their full potential and fulfill this objective, you can take help from parents as well as
- The management has the right to collect fees from parents directly, thus your payment will be provided to you by management on scheduled
- In order to increase and maintain the versatility and potential of the tuition teachers, the management will arrange various training programmers and guidance which are mandatory to attend.
- If any tuition/tutors offers are brought in the notice of management by you, you will be awarded for the same.
- Management is not responsible in case of any mishappening or accident.
- The preset time for the students are to be maintained by Any complaint regarding this matter will provoke appropriate actions against you by management.
- Registration fees once paid will not be refundable in any
- Absence for more than two days without any prior notice will not be
- While going for tuition you should be well dressed and well
- Any dishonesty regarding the tuitions will not be tolerated. legal actions with heavy penalty will be taken against
- All disputes will be settled at Jaipur jurisdiction only.